Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tasty Toothpick Appetizers

My mother in law: Bonnie Sedlik's Recipe

Smoke sausage or Keilbasa
Velveeta Cheese
Green Olives
Marichino Cherries

Cut smoked sausage into 1 inch pieces and do the same with the velveeta (don't take cheese out of fridge until ready to cut), assemble one piece of each ingredient to the toothpick and arrange on plate.  You can use green marichino cherries for color change. These are an EXCELLENT Thanksgiving and Christmas appetizer. (NOTE: The key to the best flavor combination you have ever experienced, eat all ingredients at the same time. You get the cheesy, meaty, sweet and salty taste all at once...)

1 comment:

  1. These have always been known by my family as, "NASTY THINGS." No matter what you do to this recipe, those toothpicks still taste nasty. The other stuff is good.
